Saturday, September 17, 2011

Europe's Woe is China's Chance

European economic problems offer China, with it's cash reserves, a chance to step further up the ladder of world trade dominance. A massive investment into Europe by China seems to have short term benefits for both regions but is it an attractive proposal?

Race Relations Still Sore Subject in Europe

Protests against Roma in the Czech Republic from Spiegel Online

Recent developments in Europe with regard to two specific minority groups, Muslims, in this case in the Netherlands, and Roma, in this case in the Czech Republic. The Burka ban in the Netherlands mirrors a similar ban in force in France.,1518,786495,00.html

The Sudanese Horror

The continuing tragedy of Sudan and the apathy of the international community. The consequences of not holding the perpetrators of War Crimes to account is creating a cycle of impunity which is destroying millions of lives.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

India in the Middle

Increase in Indian Middle Class spending power
The seeping down of political power to Middle India: Can the middle class transform the biggest democracy in the world?